
Software, hardware and technical support details.

Since around 2011 the FB6000 has been, and in many cases still is, the backbone of many small and medium sized ISPs, however it is now time set some dates for its retirement.

The FB6000 is no longer in production and is considered end of life. Support will continue as follows:

  • Software updates will be released through to December 31st 2024.
  • Spare hardware will be kept until at least December 31st 2025, so replacement parts will be available if needed.
  • Technical support is available as usual.

Sales & Dealer Enquiries

email sales@firebrick.co.uk
phone 01344 400 500
Mon - Fri, 9am-5pm,
calls are recorded
sms 01344 400 500

Support Contact

email support@firebrick.co.uk
phone 01344 400 500
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm,
calls are recorded
sms 01344 400 500